You love your hair so don’t keep quiet about it!
What you’ll receive as a Thank You from Haringtons
When you recommend us to anyone who hasn’t experienced Haringtons before you will receive £10 off your next appointment with us.
As a new client your friend will enjoy
A personal consultation.
A complimentary Kerastase Fusio treatment, tailored to them.
After their cut & finish they will have the opportunity to visit us again for a follow up blow dry, when they can let us know how much they love their new style.
After their colour appointment we will give them a FREE colour extending product to help keep their hair looking sensational until their next appointment.
And most importantly we will be giving them the…
gift of confidence
T&Cs: Referred friend cannot have had an appointment within the last 12 months to qualify for the new client offer. Existing client £10 off voucher much be redeemed within 6 months of issue. Valid allergy skin test is required at least 48 hours prior to any colour appointment. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.